Supreme President

Messages from Sons Supreme President
Steve Stratigouleas

Dear Brothers,

I want to welcome you and thank you for being a part of the greatest Hellenic Organization in our country.  We anticipate the 2004-2005 Year to be a memorable year for our organization for many reasons.  Our first project is membership, retention of current members and the continuing effort to cultivate new brothers into our fraternity.

I believe that we can undoubtedly double our membership.  How?  Each of us simply asks one person in our community to join.  I want to call this program as an ongoing project of the Sons of Pericles “A Son for One.”  A Son for One is a simple program that encourages each member to simply bring in one brother to join.  If everyone does their part we have easily doubled our membership.  Please don’t stop there; let’s have a record-breaking year for membership. 

I honestly believe that if you don’t set goals and don’t keep constantly focus on your goals, your efforts will not be there.  I ask that you keep the Sons of Pericles in the back of your mind and take the initiative to talk about our organization.

You will be receiving emails and updates of the President’s Message on the website throughout the year.  You will also receive messages about Governors Conference in Washington DC, up and coming regional events, our National Project and about events that local chapters are participating in.



Steve Stratigouleas
Supreme President
Sons of Pericles

Message from Dino Mitsios, Supreme President of the Sons of Pericles, 2003 – 2004
Message from Sandy Papadopoulos, Supreme President of the Sons of Pericles, 2002 – 2003
Message from Nick Livaditis, Supreme President of the Sons of Pericles, 2001 – 2002